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Loaded fries and food delivered right to your door

How it works

1.  Place your order

2. Our on staff cooks at SpoonShoppe prepare your delicious french fries & specially crafted food  right from their kitchen

3. We carefully and thoughtfully package, seal, and deliver your freshly cooked food staight to your door via DoorDash, Grubhub & coming soon to Uber Eats.

That's it! You receive your food, thank & tip the driver, and enjoy! 

Fries Delivered is a virtual restaurant created by Spoonshoppe designed to give you an even larger menu and get it delivered right to your door as fast as possible. Not seeing something that you're looking for on Fries Delivered? There's a good chance we have it on our menu at 


Fries Delivered Menu

Fries delivered offers a fresh, tasty, variety of toppings to add to your fries to make them taste even more unique. 

Not just fries, we offer a variety of items including chicken sandwiches, loaded grilled cheese, hot dogs, and burgers.

We will be closed for the week of Monday March 16th, 2020

Fries Delivered Meriden: Crafted by SpoonShoppe

Open today

03:00 pm – 08:45 pm
